Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I know a really nice person who's birthday is TODAY-O!

Today (or tomorrow, depending on whether you're reading this late Sunday night or on Monday) is my best friend Julia’s (aka Jewels) birthday and, as is my custom, this is my “Ode to Jewels.” Oh, and for the record, I probably have more pictures of Jewels than anyone else in the world. So prepare yourself. (And Julia, please still be my friend after I post some of these.)

I seriously don’t even know where to begin. I’ve known Julia for fifteen years, which means I’ve known her longer than I’ve not known her, and she’s been my best friend for twelve, going on thirteen of those years. She’s pretty much been there for every important occasion in my life and if she wasn’t actually there, you bet your butt I was on the phone with her that night telling her about it.

We met in Junior High Orchestra and pretty much were just acquaintances until eighth grade, when we were both in Advanced Drama together. At that point we were . . . better acquaintances but not really friends. It wasn’t until we ended up in Freshman Drama together and incidentally with the same assigned lunch period that we became close. Freshman and the beginning of Sophomore year weren’t easy for me. I was still figuring out who I was and overcoming some of my weirdness. We went in and out of each other’s good graces for that first year and a half or so, and then Sophomore year, we reconnected over a blast from the past, and we’ve pretty much been inseparable since.

Jewels is probably the most fiercely loyal person I know. She has stood up for me on more occasions than I can even remember. If a guy was mean to me, she was the first person in his face telling him to back off. If we had been in a tiff (trust me, there were plenty! We’re girls, right?) she was the first one to apologize and make it better. My family life was a little crazy and she made sure I knew that there was always a place for me to go if I needed peace, a hug or a piece of her kick-ace apple pie. She has told me when I’m being stupid and given me much needed wake-up calls to let me know when I need to make a change. She was also always there for a kickin' good time.

Julia is HILARIOUS. I have numerous memories of having to pull over the car I was driving because she had me laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe or see anymore. She has a myriad of funny faces, expressions and sayings, and if I’m with her for more than an hour, I’ve picked up on all of them and am imitating her like a freaking mockingbird. I aspire to be as witty and clever as Jewels is. She’s always got the best snide remark or comeback for any situation, and they’re always so funny you end up laughing so hard your sides hurt.

She can pretty much talk me into doing ANYTHING. If I resist at first she comes up with some awesome/hilarious reason and then says “pleeeeaaaasseee?” in a voice I can’t resist and I give in every time. And I’m always glad I did. There is never a dull or boring moment with Jewels around. Even while waiting for her to get ready, she entertains you with her rendition of a Golden Era song, and before long you’re singing along with her and she’s making up amazing harmonies. Riding in a car with her is probably the most fun you'll ever have in a vehicle.

She is the party planner to end all party planners. Every year she takes on the daunting task of planning our Annual Ladies Soiree and EVERY YEAR she outdoes herself. She throws a mean Christmas AND Halloween party every year (Halloween is her specialty) and she is one of the most creative, original people I’ve ever met. And she can cook too! Did I mention she makes a mean apple pie? Well she does. Martha Stewart, watch out. Julia’s coming along to kick your butt.

Seriously, I don’t think there’s anything she can’t do!

We have been through so much together. She was there for all of my many, many heartbreaks, and I shared hers. We cried together over ice cream, sappy movies and sometimes even bad Brazilian Rodizio. We have danced until our legs felt like they were going to fall off. We have sang until our voices were hoarse. We have laughed until we had tears streaming down our faces and had no idea what had started us laughing in the first place.

I think of Julia and I can’t help but smile. She has brought so much joy into my life. I have loved being with her as we both grew up and became the women we are today. She is an amazing mother to two beautiful little boys. She has taught me so much about what being a good wife really is. Most of all, she has shown me how to be a true friend.

So today I wish Jewels the happiest of birthdays and you should all go and do the same.

By the way Jewels, I’m asking you on a date for September 10th, 2008. How does Rocky Point sound?!


Rhonda Can't Help You said...

Happy happy birthday Julia dear,
Happy days will come to you all year.
If I had a wish, then it would be,
A Happy happy birthday to you from me!!!

Thanks for the good tribute to Jewels, Kate- I couldn't have said it better.

Love you more than I can say Jewels!!!

Canadian flake said...

wow what a tribute. You are lucky to have such a true and loyal friend in your life. Congrats and happy birthday to Jewels...hope the day was a great one.

Jewels said...

Oh Kate...I'm totally crying right now. That was the sweetest thing, I don't deserve that! I so feel the same way about you, you are incredible. Thank you so, so much. Rock Point? I'M IN! And you can bet that on the way down we'll be singing "Rhapsody in the Rain" at the top of our lungs! I LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all... Happy day to you Jewels!!! And second, Kate you are so awesome! I love the tribute to Jewels, she so deserves it! I also want to say, Oh my holy pajamas, that 70's date dance picture is a little bit scarey.... But oh so funny, I was thinking about high school the other day becasue I saw Ryan at the mall, Sadly I cant remember his last name, anyways he and preston and Moss would always hang out, you know who I mean.. right? Anyways, its so funny to look back at all the crazy times! Why have I not gotten together with you all of you lately...? I am so dumb, I miss you guys!!

Brillig said...

happy happy happy birthday, dear sweet wonderful Julia! And Katey, the pics were fantastic, as was the tribute. You really are the greatest friend ever.

{lizzythebotanist} said...

so cute, you are a master tributeur. i'm jealous of your lengthy friendship-my longest friendship (not because i'm mean) is going on five years and that seems amazing to me! sheesh...13? and happy birthday, jewels!

Kateastrophe said...

I just realized i wrote "have sang" rather than "have sung." I'm an idiot. Hahaha

DG said...

That was so sweet of you Kate. How lucky to be your friend!!!

Fourier Analyst said...

What a great BFFL you have! What a great BFFL she has!! It's really special that you have some one "who knew you when". I had one in Texas, but as we have been apart for over 20 years now (that's 7 time zones apart) we are not nearly as close. But reading your blog makes me realize how much I miss her and now I'm off to write her a letter to tell her just that!