Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Thursday, September 6, 2007


So, yet another buyer thinks they can get a better deal on a house. And maybe they can . . . we're just not desperate enough to just give our house away I suppose.

Here's to the weekend and another contract! (Since we seem to get about one a week these days!) Hopefully, this time it will stick!

I had a fun experience today with the morons at the mortgage company, but that also has to do with the house and I don't want to talk about it anymore. It seems to be all I can think or talk about this week. And, for the record, I'm as sick of talking about this as you guys are of hearing about it. Just so we're all clear on that.

I go to Vegas for a week for work on the 17th and while I'm excited to have something else to think/worry about, this is our biggest show of the year and I always end up getting sick after this one, so I'm praying this year I can make it through without getting the illness of death like last year. When that's over I get to come home and start packing up for the move. Just the thought of it is so overwhelming I'm going to stop thinking about it right now.

And end this lame post right now.


Brillig said...

Yuck. I'm sorry. That's all. Just, yuck. I'm sorry.

Fourier Analyst said...

Hang in there darlin'. Someone is gonna fall in love with your house and it will all be good. Maybe the Fates feel that they owe you and are just giving you time so that you can move in peace and not be so rushed? Yeah, I like that idea! Gonna put a word in the universe's ear...!

Virtualsprite said...

FA is right. It will all work out. Just have some faith. Maybe you'll be lucky in Vegas and that luck will follow you home?

Enjoy your trip!

Canadian flake said...

Good luck with the trip. Maybe some vitamins would be a good thing to fight off the illness? As for packing...just take it one box at a time...one room at a time...try not to get overwhelmed.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I live in Vegas and our housing market sucks, too! So I totally empathize. I put my house up for sale (following a divorce) at the end of Oct. '06...I only just signed a sale contract the other day. Almost a full year to sell the darn thing AND I had to drop the price WAAYYYY down to get the sale. Drat!

Hang in there, someone will come along and just love your house!

Have fun here in Vegas!