Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Medicated Thankfuls

Oh thank jeebus, I finally went to the doctor this morning. Well, I went to Urgent Care and was there for two and a half hours. And then the doctor said "well you are on the verge of having a sinus infection, so I'm going to give you a prescription to hold on to for three days, then if you get worse get it filled."

Um, right.

I've been sick for almost six days and it's been getting worse every day. It ruined my weekend and I spent almost three hours of my Sunday waiting for you to give me DRUGS. If I wait three days and I am still sick, I won't be able to go to my Grandparent's for Thanksgiving for fear of making them sick, so then not only would my last week have been ruined, my entire Thanksgiving break will be too! Not. Gonna. Happen.

So I called Nurse Mom (she's really a nurse, promise) and told her about the symptoms, what the Doc said and what I wanted. Thank goodness she agreed with me and told me just to fill the prescription. Z-pac here I come! Or um, came? Something like that.

I'm feeling about the same right now, but I have confidence that Mr. Z-pac will take effect soon and I'll be back to normal (for me, at least!)

So today, I am thankful for:

1. Z-pac. Mmmm so great.

2. My Mom. Oh how I love her (and not only for giving me permission to disobey the doctor). She has been my rock and my best friend my entire life and I don't know where I'd be without her. We talked for a while tonight and it made me miss her SO much!

3. Pajamas. Specifically my Victoria's Secret perfect lengthed pant T-shirt pajamas. Oh how I love them.

4. My Ohio State ball cap. It's great for hiding "sick hair."

5. Friendly neighbors. Matt and I went outside to watch the sunset and we had about ten neighbors wave at us. In our old neighborhood we knew NO ONE and we'd wave and they would look away! We didn't know what to do! We are so grateful to live in a place where people are SO FRIENDLY!!

There you have it! And Thanksgiving is this week! YAY! I'm so excited! Mmmmm food.


Jewels said...

Hahaha! I love Jan - all the girls do (duh, remember what happened when Jan was under fire? I do.). I truly hope Mr. Z-Pac comes through for you, or this Mrs. J-Jol will come over there and cream him.

Girl, Dislocated said...

Sorry you're still not better, but I'm really glad you got to see a doctor. Good thing he didn't tell you to come back for the prescription in 3 days!

Virtualsprite said...

Girl's right. I'm glad you at least got the prescription out of him. Hope you feel better soon. It sucks to be laid up.

Heather said...

Crossing fingers and toes that you'll be feeling right as rain by Thanksgiving.

DG said...

I must have missed it but you got sick TOO??? I was sick for a full seven days a couple of weeks ago and it was MISERABLE. But afterwards, at least you feel better because you know that it should be awhile before you get that again.

Canadian flake said...

I don't blame you for disobeying that butthead doctor. It is easy for him to tell you to wait 3 days when he isn't the one suffering...

Hope you feel better soon and have a great thanksgiving weekend.