Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with a wonderful guy

Today is the day of lurve. Oooh ahhh. Valentine's Day. The day in my previous life as a single girl that typically meant depression and consumption of much chocolate. I was usually alone, abandoned by the most recent "fling" shortly before the holiday.

I was always a hopeless romantic, dreaming of the Valentine's Day when my Don Juan would arrive to pick me up in a horse drawn carriage to take me out for a night of passion and romance. I wished for thousands of roses and candlelit dinners and everything that "they" (whoever they are) tell you Valentine's Day is supposed to contain.

I should have dreamed bigger. I should have been dreaming who would put me first, every single day. I should have been hoping for the safe feeling of always being taken care of. I should have imagined years of laughter and fun and tender, amazing true love. Oh, and some serious passion too.

Maybe it's good that I didn't dream bigger because it allowed me to be completely swept away by the man who gave me everything I was dreaming of, plus everything I should have been dreaming of and more.

Sure, I'm still a girl and a hopeless romantic who wishes my life had a little more "show" but when I really stop to think about it, you couldn't pay me enough money or give me enough "packaged romance" to convince me that what I have isn't the most amazing gift I've ever been given. I consider myself the luckiest woman alive to have the privilege to be married to Matt. He is my everything and on Valentine's Day, I just wanted the world to know it. He is my Don Juan . . . but better.


Anonymous said...

How lovely :) Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

I love being married to my own Don Juan as well :)

Thomas said...

I have never ever, ever used the title of this post on my blog.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

HaLaine said...

Amen to the Don Juan's out there...

Fourier Analyst said...

I got me one of those. No flowers. I bought my own chocolate. No dinner date, though he cooking dinner as I type. But I am looking forward to some quality couch potato time and later...!

Happzy Valentine's Day. Check out my blog if you need inspiration for a card!!

Rhonda Can't Help You said...

Yay for Matt- I love him too. You did well! Happy Valentines!

Anonymous said...

Muy sexy-o. Have a fantastic V-Day, lurver!


Brillig said...

That's the problem, dear. Don Juan, you see, was the world's biggest jerk. And you (like most of us) were constantly dating the "Don Juans" and not... you know... decent wonderful fellows like Matt. I sure love that guy of yours, mostly because he makes you so happy. And that makes me so happy! :-D Hope you two of an insanely blissful day together. :-D

janna said...

Speaking as the mother of that "wonderful guy" you're married to, I just wanted to wish you both a very happy Valentine's Day. Today we celebrate our 37th V-Day together--I am so grateful for my good man and love him more now than ever!!! We wish you both continued love and happiness together!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's to the good men! The Don...Mateos...of the world.

Katelin said...

How cute! Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day! :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, Here's to our Don Juan's, who are more than we ever could have imagined. Here's to real love, the kind you celebrate every day, because you're just that lucky.

Brooke said...

what a sweet post! what you said is so true though. i feel the exact same way.

Luisa Perkins said...

Love it! Happy Day!

Canadian flake said...

awwwwww very sweet...hope u both had a great hearts day!!!