Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Monday, February 25, 2008

I's Growing Up!

I got my own domain! So, as sad as I am to say goodbye to Blogger, I'm MOVING! Come check me out at www.walkingkateastrophe.com!!

Or just click here and I will take you there.

Bear with me while I get used to Wordpress and fix my (lovely) bubble-gum pink template. It might be a rough ride for a while . . . (rumor has it that the template really looks FUN in Explorer. For now, if possible, use Mozilla . . . I promise I'll fix it!)

Thanks to BRILLIG (who is AWESOME) for making all of this happen. I am apparently totally and completely computer illiterate because I've been trying for MONTHS to move my posts over and she did it in like four seconds.

Ciao Bella, Blogger!


Brillig said...

Awww shucks...

Luisa Perkins said...

Exciting! I've got to switch my link now....