Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Capele?

***Updated to add: This is in PROVO, UTAH folks. I forgot to mention that part. It's part of the reason the guy with the cigarette (that if you'll notice he only really takes a puff of once or twice) is even funnier. I could seriously watch this ten times and still think it was funny. I notice something funnier about it every single time! Hahaha

Wanna see something awesome? Check out this video Sheila's brother Ryan and some friends of his made.

The guy in the red (who they have dubbed Ryan 2 (he is NOT Sheila's brother) was recruited to perform a romatic surprise. Yes, that is his real room. And yes, he is VERY serious.


HaLaine said...


Jewels said...

Ok, I have NO idea what I just witnessed, but I LOVE that he started to sing, "I can't smile without you" - KATE!! That is our song!!! The one we found on the radio late one night coming back from...some dude's house. Man...how dark is our past? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

janaya said...

can we talk about his eternal cigarette for a second please? :) haha. that was rad.

Anne said...

Okay, I finally plugged in my speakers just so that I could watch that. Hahahahahaha. That is so stinking awesome.

"Stalking is the new dating."

Kateastrophe said...

OK i just noticed something even funnier. The bust on his dresser? IT'S OF HIM!!!

This thing just gets better every time I watch it.