Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mother Effort!

Hahaha. Ok I apologize to anyone offended by my little play on words . . . but seriously, it's fitting.

Today I worked my tuckus off. I had hoped to clean the whole darn house today, however that didn't get done. Something got in the way. A FAN. A FREAKING CEILING FAN.

I wanted to be all handy and install it myself, so while Matt was at the sand dunes, I did it. Sort of. It's all installed . . . it JUST DOESN'T WORK. It took me four hours and it doesn't freaking work. The light works . . . but the FAN doesn't work. It took me forever to figure out which breaker shut the power to my bedroom off. This was after I shocked myself three times thinking "I won't get shocked." Riiiight. I finally just turned off ALL the power in the house. Then I set to work taking down the old fan and starting up the new one. By the time I turned the power back on I had put it together and taken it apart like four times. Nothing was working correctly, nothing was going on the right way, nothing fit, nothing went flush. NOTHING WAS WORKING THE WAY IT WAS SUPPOSED TO. Then, after hours and hours of frustration, I thought I had it right. I went downstairs, turned all the power back on, went upstairs . . . turned on the light and then . . . no fan.

After that, I went downstairs, got a Diet Coke and drank my sorrows away for about an hour.

Then, I cleaned like a freaker . . . but just the upstairs, the bathroom and the kitchen. I'm currently sitting in the living room surrounded by junk mail, clean laundry and just a wee bit of garbage. Ok, a lot of garbage. Ok not really garbage. Napkins. Left over from my pigging out on pasta.

On the upside, I got a new cleaning toy! A Dirt Devil Broom Vac. It makes sweeping the floor so easy! As you sweep it sucks up all the dirt! I wanted a pink one but Target only had red, and I was desperate to have it (impatient much?!?)so I bought what they had. I just want to sweep the floor all the time! (Much different then last weeks attitude of 'I hate to sweep')

So now MOST of my house is clean and I'm happy to be sitting watching my Sunday night TV shows, wrapped in a blanket waiting for my husband to return from his weekend at the dunes. He will be stinky but it will be good to see him!


Jewels said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You are quite possibly the funniest girl I know. I LOVED that we got to chat today for an hour or so, hopefully that eased your mind a bit! Or distracted you enough that you forgot to do something to the fan and that's why it doesn't work. If that's the case...sorry about that, man.

Skinnieminnie1978 said...

So as you were writing all of your actions, I was picturing them. I loathe ceiling fans, they are difficult enough to pay someone to put them up. Love the blog.

Anne said...

Oh goodness. I'd be ready to shoot myself. Seriously. Poor, poor Kate.

Is it wrong that you had such an awful day and I'm sitting here laughing so hard about it?

Kateastrophe said...

The purpose of posting it is to be able to laugh at my pain, dear Anne. So laugh away!!!

Anonymous said...

So far by your blog I can sum it up as: House: 2, Kate: 0, two being the blue toilet fiasco and now the bipolar ceiling fan