Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Many Congratulations Are In Order

Today is a good day!

My illustrious Mamacita, aka Jan the Great, finished the Boston Marathon in 4:33:26! Her husband Gary let her beat him (a HUGE DEAL if you know this competitive man) and finished one second later. They braved the freezing cold rain, the wind in miserable (not all the time just right now) Boston and conquered! YAHOOO!!

In other awesome news, my bestest buddy Sara delivered a healthy baby girl on Friday! Lucy Jane was born Friday evening weighing 7lbs 6oz and is 19 inches long. Isn't she precious?!?!?

I myself have no real news other than I ate a healthy lunch today. Pat on the back for me.


Anonymous said...

Oh, so darling! Congrats, Sara!!! And way to go, Mamacita! I was rooting for you all day! I'm so incredibly proud. Give me three years, and we'll run it together. What do you say?

As for you, dear Kate, I am MOST HEARTILY patting you on the back. Because I am on the strictest of diets, and I totally nosedived today. Ooops! (Hey, who knew cream cheese wontons would be my downfall?) (Oh, and the rest of Blake's birthday cake from last night...)

Anonymous said...

HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!! You reset your Kateastrophe ticker! Why? I must, must know the story here! Did I somehow miss it?

Kateastrophe said...

I'm going to have to remember what my Kateastrophe was . . . I honestly can't remember right now! HAHAH. How sad is that . . .

Jewels said...

I DO I DO! You left your trunk open!

Emily said...

so glad you like guster; seems like hardly anyone has heard of them (?!?).

i'm also a huge klutz -- somehow emilytastrophes isn't as catchy. :) but i should've delurked sooner. i've been enjoying reading your blog!