Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The . . . other . . . house that Kate built

It has begun. It only took them a freaking year. They have like . . . done stuff to our lot. We have, like, a perimeter and some, like, holes. So it's like, not longer just flat dirt. It has like, stuff.

Gosh I'm articulate.

Here are some pictures, for boredom's sake.

This is our lot about four months ago during the "utilities" phase . . . when there were lots of large trenches open in the roads. It was basically a dirt pile with a retaining wall. OOOOH exciting.

Look! A Pile of rock! And Matt's Jeep!

Showing here, Matt's favorite feature: A huge saguaro cactus in the wash north of our lot. I myself do not like cacti. Reminds me that I live in HELL.

Below is our lot on Saturday, with the perimeter for our foundation and lot of holes for pilings (huh?). As you can see from the other frames, people who bought WAY after us have seen TONS more progress. What can you do, right?

View from the back of our lot (look! No one across the street from us!)

View from the front of our lot. Look at that HUGE 30x50 backyard! And our backyard neighbor's frame. They bought eight months after us! Bastards!

In great news, we discovered that we got the deal of the century on our lot. We paid a very small premium, and it turns out we have five extra feet on one side of the house (Five measly feet you say?! In Arizona that's like an extra football field) as well as no one for almost 1/2 acre of a landscaped wash to the north of us and absolutely nothing and no one in front of us. We totally lucked out because normally those features would have added an extra $12k or so to the price of our lot. And we didn't have to pay it. YIPEE!

Now, in case you've forgotten or have never seen it before, here's what the finished product will look like. Except flipped with the garage on the other side . . . and a different color (more of a sage greeny feel). And with less cool landscaping. And a carriage garage door. And stuff.

Stay tuned next week when we show you . . . red and blue tubes stretched across the perimeter!! This is taking forever . . .


Jewels said...

Hahaha, I love the lone cacti in the first picture - I was looking for rolling sagebrush! I'm so happy for you guys - it will be so great when it's all done!! K, you are hilarious, "Here's a picture of what our house will look like...except totally different."

Brillig said...

Okay... I don't get why the other houses have so much more progress than yours when they were bought so much later.... Oh well. It gives you more time to sell your current nest, right?

And what great news about the lot! So cool!! And I too love the cactus. So funny. I'm... uh... glad that Matt likes it!

Kateastrophe said...

Haha, it was the best I could do! It is our elevation . . . we just chose a different color :D

Anonymous said...

Oh you must be so impatient. I'm impatient for you!

Anonymous said...

That would drive me nuts looking at the neighbor's frame like that! Why on Earth has their house progressed before yours? The finished product will be lovely!

(Came your way via Brillig, btw.)

Emily said...

gah. i'm sorry it's taking so long. that's annoying. but it'll look great when it's done, right?

i have to say, i love the cactus too. it's like a stereotypically cactus' cactus. from looney tunes or something.