Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Rockin' and Rollin'

Well, considering my brain is fried and I can't think of anything to post about, thank goodness that Brillig pointed out to me today that the super special Amy aka Butrfly thinks that I rock!! I'm so honored, seriously. In my humble opinion, if anyone knows who rocks, it's probably she. Thanks darlin'! I'm totally honored!!

As for who I think is rockin' well . . .

Naturally, my girls, Jewels and Hannah . . . they rock for many reasons, but in this case because we make sweet music together . . .

Also, darling Molly who I still sort of believe is my long lost twin, and then my new favorite friend, Blond-D who I think be mine and Molly's OTHER long lost sister.

Now, I have to go pick my brain and find something real to post about tomorrow. I know Brillig mentioned our inside joke about Groundhog Day, but I think I need to save that for a really rainy day, a day when you guys are deserving something truly special or when I have some significant apologizing via self-inflicted embarrassment to do, so unfortunately you'll have to wait! Sorry about that!

Loving you all and sorry for the dumbness of me.


Jewels said...

No way! You of all people have lots to blog about! You...you...you have good ideas. You must post more often, I love reading them. You could write about pop getting spritzed all over your car and...oh wait, you did write about that...

Brillig said...

Well, I only pointed it out to you because I know that when you're at work you tend to... work. So, since all I do all day is blog, I figure I should do you the service of pointing out to you when you are adored.

And honestly, no pressure for the Groundhog Day thing. I shouldn't have even brought it up. If it were me, I'd probably never breathe a single word about it. I'd die if the story ever got out. But you just have such a way of laughing at the crappy things that are said and done to you--something I admire greatly and wish I had. Anyway, point is, you do your groundhoggin' when it suits you (and if that's Not At All, then that's okay too!!!)

Butrfly Garden said...

You mean you don't technorati yourself every day? Doesn't EVERYONE do that? NO? Hehehe, me either! hehe.

Nah, girl, YOU totally rock.

Anonymous said...

Awwww my blog twin. I heart you.

DG said...

You are so adorable... I'll take long lost sister ANYTIME!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Congrats on your rockin'-ness!

Anonymous said...

Nello awarded you one too! Yay for Kate!