Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Viva Las Work My Butt Off

Well folks, the hardest week of the year for my job is here. It's our biggest conference and this year it's in Vegas.

This may sound like blasphemy to some of you, but me no likey Vegas. Well,. that's not exactly true, but I've been to Vegas like a million times. I can drive here in under four hours and I grew up about a six hour drive away. So I sort of feel "been there, done that, don't WANT a t-shirt" about it. Also, as I'm sure you realized, I don't drink, smoke or gamble. So um . . . Vegas sounds fun now right? No?

SHOPPING! You say? Well, this week I won't have TIME to shop, and H&M at Planet Hollywood doesn't open until October so who cares anyway? (Kidding! Sort of.)

Last year, this show was held in New York, the Mecca to my soul, and needless to say I was much more excited about that. I will have fun this week, I'm sure. I'll also gain about fifteen pounds, as I have dinner plans at fancy-pants restaurants every night of the week. I brought my workout clothes, but I have a bad feeling they will stay sleeping in my suitcase.

Now, the week won't be ALL bad. I mentioned the food and I just spent the weekend with my darling friend Sara and her equally darling family and there's a good chance I'll see Jewels this week while she's here visiting her sister, but I'm still sort of dreading it. My allergies have kicked in and I'm not sleeping well and I know I'll be on my feet all day, every day until I leave on Thursday afternoon, and anything fun I might be able to do will have to be cancelled due to my extreme exhaustion and need to soak my feet in ice. (Can one soak their feet in ice? Hmmm . . . )

And now, I'm off to set up our booth and get everything set up. Here's to hoping I win a million dollars from a penny slot machine and that my feet don't fall off.


HaLaine said...

DUDE. I wish I were there...

Brillig said...

It's sounds completely crazy!!! I truly hope your feet don't fall off, though if I were a gambling woman, I'd bet that they would.

Love ya, squeeze ya. Good luck with that million bucks from the penny slots!!!

Canadian flake said...

I am not a gambler ...mostly because I am poor and I SUCK at it..lmao.

Hope your poor feet don't completely fall off...did ya remember to pack some sensible shoes?? LOL.

Good luck

Brillig said...

KATE? Sensible shoes? Hahahahahahahaah.

Jewels said...

I'm so sad that I missed you AND Sara! Truly, my time in Vegas was not long enough...damage. Oh well, we always have that funny little phone call about someone who is "SO AWESOME!!"