Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Too tired to think of a title. Got any ideas?

I only have a few minutes but I wanted to update you all on the boring goings on in my life. Because I know you care sooooooo deeply. Or something.

So, in no particular order, I give you:

- I would LOVE to post pictures of the new house for all of you, but somehow in the move, I have misplaced the camera cord. Well, by I, what I actually mean is Matt misplaced it. And by misplaced I mean packed in a box and forgot which one. So um . . . yeah. Sorry about that, but not really because all the pictures are of a HUGE MESS. Our bed is in the family room due to technical difficulties with the frame (which should be fixed tonight. Who knew a 200 lb man doing a superman-esque leap onto the bed after running down the hall at full speed might actually do damage to a bed frame? Oh wait. I did. And I warned him.) and there are boxes and wrappings and blue tape (from finding little things that need to be fixed by the builder) EVERYWHERE. So it's really in no condition to show you.

- We are almost completely moved out of the old house. Now all we have to do is a bit of cleaning. I'm proud to say the house was not that messy. We got the wood floors pretty dirty moving everything around but all in all, I pat myself on the back for being able to keep the house relatively clean over the past six months. It's been helpful in many, many ways. And has sucked and been stressful in many, many ways.

It's bittersweet to be moving out of that house. After spending one night in the new house it seems small, cramped and old, but I still love it. Our blood, sweat and tears went into turning it from a pink carpeted, outdated disaster to something we were proud of. Tomorrow as we do the final cleaning and shut the door for the last time, I will be sad because a very, very happy chapter of Matt's and my life together is ending. We were in love when we got married for sure, but I truly fell madly in love with my husband in that home. I will miss it and be sad. But only on the drive to the new house. Then I will see the new house and I will be happy again because I really LOVE our new house.

- The Great Internet Debacle of 2007 is raging a war at our new house. We had one of the satellite companies come and install our new TV system and they forgot to mention that they were tapping into the cable box in the study . . . which means that the TV in the study works but the cable Internet doesn't. That's a big problem because as nice as a TV is in the study, Internet would be nicer considering it's where the desktop computer lives. The satellite company promised us a phone call in 24-48 hours to arrange a time to fix it and it's now been 48 and no call from them. For now we're thinking wireless on the desktop, but that uses valuable USB cords and heaven knows we need those for multiple iPods, the laser mouse, wireless keyboard . . . you know other junk. So wireless it is for now.

BUT then we tried to use the wireless router. Somehow, on the drive from the old house to the new house, the router broke. It wasn't dropped, damaged . . . who knows what happened. Maybe it's against new construction. However, JUST the wireless part broke, the router part still worked. So we had Internet when we were connected to it through a cable but didn't have wireless. *scratching head here.* So after an hour of trying to figure it out on our own, we decided to do the really dumb thing and call tech support. IN INDIA. (Please note I have nothing against India in general, I just find it very, very difficult to understand and be understood by anyone in another country trying to do TECH SUPPORT.) It was a giant disaster.

"Please plug your modem into the router and then your router into your laptop."

"Done. I have Internet"

"No, take the laptop cord out of the modem and put it in the router and that should get you connected to the Internet"

"Um, that's what is already done. And I have Internet on the laptop."

"I repeat myself kindly please. I need your laptop plugged into the router."

oh.my.gosh. It went on like this for like two hours and three disconnected calls. We finally talked to someone who seemed to understand what was going on and it appears our router stopped assigning an IP address. So um . . . now that means new router or wait for the company to send us a replacement one.

And the money keeps rolling out.

It's expensive to move. And I'm tired of sleeping in the family room and eating fast food. And lifting and unpacking boxes. And not exercising and feeling fat. I want so badly to wave a magic wand and make it all done.

*squinting eyes and waving hands*

Not done?



Rhonda Can't Help You said...

YAY for moving....I swore to myself that I'd die in my townhome. So it takes a while to think about moving again, but you'll be open to it again in a couple years. Hopefully closer to me :)

Butrfly Garden said...

I'm coming to learn that all men act like children for one thing or another. Be it when they're sick, when they're angry or when they Just. Don't. Listen!!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post - I'm sure I'll share similar feelings when my fiance and I move out of our current house. It feels like that's where everything "happened", but I look forward to making new memories in the new place. I'm sure it'll be the same for you!

Sara said...

Hurray for new posts! And new houses! I think the worst part about moving is the unpacking. Causes you are already exhausted from packing, cleaning and moving.(Not to mention all the other stuff you were stressing about) Hang in there I'm sure in no time at all you will be living in style in your new digs. Can't wait to see the pics

HaLaine said...

HAHHAHAHHAHAHAH! HAHAHAHH! HAHAHA! AHem. Ok, I laughed a lot at the whole squinting eyes and waving hands thing. There was such faith that I almost believed for a moment that everything would be done!!!

Fourier Analyst said...

I hate moving. I was not suprised to read that moving and rennovation were on the top causes of divorce. It is stressful and no matter how excited you are about the new stuff, there are still so many problems and adjustments! Hang in there darlin'! It will get better. And the we insist on pictures and bragging and joining in the virtual house warming!!

Brillig said...

Hahaha. Oh, Katey. This is awesome in its awfulness. I'm glad it's all coming together, though! And soon you'll be on top of all of it!

And, did Rhonda just whine that you're too far away from her?????!!!!!!!!!!!

Jewels said...

Ahh, I loved this post - I love all your posts because you are so clever. Congrats on the move!! I know it's a pain, but I know you and Matt will have many grand memories in this new house.

Canadian flake said...

isn't moving a blast?? Just remind yourself it is all for a good cause...hang in there!!!

Momo Fali said...

I HATE computer problems more than anything!! Wishing you quick unpacking and no more fast food!

Avery Gray said...

OMG! I just posted about an Indian call center on the 13th (post titled "Am I a Racist?") It gets under my skin, too! You are not alone!!

Congratulations on your move! Hope you come to adore your new house as much as you loved your old one.

Brillig said...

You totally suck at Soap Opera Sunday.


Amber said...

I feel your pain. Oh do I feel your pain. We've been in our newest temporary spot for 3 weeks. I'm unpacked to the point of barely functioning. But I can't seem to get myself to unpack further. I want to set up the food storage bunker so I can find stuff. I want to organize closets and the pantry. Somewhere deep down I at least want them organized- although I'm pretty sure I don't want to do the organizing...

Moving stinks. But at least you'll be in your new place for a while? We're only here for a year then we get to do this all over again.

Deb said...

Ohhhhh... bad TV men, BAD TV MEN!!

I'm moving in a few weeks, and while I'm practically a professional moving consultant at this point (in fact, my movers offered to hire me a couple weeks ago), I dread, DREAD the idea of moving again. SIGH.

Good luck with the unpacking! Hope you find your camera cord soon. NAUGHTY HUSBAND!!