Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Another Lame Post

Let's see . . . I seem to suck at blogging about . . . anything relevant lately. I feel as though I've been in a writers slump. Not that I consider myself a real writer or anything important like that because I don't.

I do have two minor Kateastrophes to report on, so I suppose I should share, and there are a couple of other things to update you on. So I guess I present MORE RANDOMNESS!

First of all, I rolled - that's right ROLLED - my brother-in-law's quad at the Dunes last week. Several things make the story funny. First, Taylor (the B-I-L) laid it down sideways WITH his poor wife on it the first time they rode together. He hurt his wrist but overall they were OK. Second, my father-in-law also laid it down on his first ride on it. So basically, Matt is the only person who rode it who didn't wreck it. The other thing that makes the story funny is that the reason I rolled it was because I was going too slow. That's right. I crashed because I was going TOO.SLOW. I was on the side of a steep dune and rather than gunning it to prevent the roll, I got scared and slowed down. Aaaaaand down I went. Luckily I slid about ten feet down the hill so the quad didn't roll ON me. I was only about fifty feet from Matt and he was so scared that I was hurt and came running down the hill. I was just lying there on my back, holding the quad (which is still running) with my legs so it wouldn't roll any further and of course laughing my head off. I wasn't hurt, thank goodness, but I think that quad might be the devil.

My second Kateastrophe happened the night we got back from the dunes. I was doing serious laundry because EVERYTHING smelled horrible, and I didn't clean out the pocket of my riding pants, and I washed my iPod shuffle. What's really sad is that on the drive home, I told Matt I was worried that I'd wash it so he needed to help me remember to clean out all the pockets. After he found out I washed it he laughs and says

"You know what's funny, wifey? You KNOW what you're going to do wrong. You always ask me to remind you NOT to do something stupid that you think you might do."

It's totally true. I know I do this crap. I know I forget stuff like that, so I ask people to help me remember not to be stupid. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work. So I figured my iPod was dead, but remembered a time a few years ago when I dropped my cell phone in the lake and it somehow survived the damage after it dried out for a few days. SO, I let the Shuffle dry out and magically, it works! I'm guessing it's going to be a little retarded for the rest of it's life but it WORKS! YAY! Kateastrophe averted! That sure doesn't happen very often!!

Update on my fatness . . . I'm on a serious diet. I've started eating less than 2000 calories a day and making sure that it's mostly veggies, whole grains and lean protein and I give myself one day off a week to eat what I want. The only cheating I've done in over a week was last night for the chicken noodle soup. It's actually very healthy but the noodles aren't made with whole grains. So my cheating technically wasn't that bad but I do have to call a spade a spade and admit to the cheat. I'm sort of sick of salad and lettuce but I'm loving the Trader Joe's whole grain mixes. They are super delicious! I'm a carb junkie, so the NO carb thing doesn't work for me, but the whole grain carb thing does. I figure I can do the calorie counting and some of the other stuff . . . it doesn't feel as extreme. I'm also loving fresh fruit. Mmmm yum.

In addition to the diet, I'm also working out six days a week. Right now I'm working up to serious workouts, but I do 45 minutes of cardio every day and when I have the energy I add in some weight training. It feels pretty good.

Sadly, I'm being UBER superficial and using my ten year high school reunion as my motivation right now. I don't really know why . . . I'm still in touch with most of my friends from high school and they know what I look like now but I guess any motivation is good motivation right?!

So um, I will end this post with Friday's Thankfuls, as most of you will see this post on Friday.

1. Perfect weather. We're finally, FINALLY out of the hotness in Arizona and the weather is gorgeous. I sure love me a good 78 degree day.

2. Dove shampoo and conditioner. See I used to be a hair care product snob. Only Aveda was good enough for my hair. But then I got a house and a husband (and a life?) and got cheap and I got the HUGE, cheap bottles of Dove at Costco. Surprisingly, I LOVE it! My hair always smells clean and is SO soft and silky. Yay for cheap, great haircare!

3. Julia. I got the FUNNIEST message from her today at work and died laughing right there in my cube. I'm so grateful for her and her undying friendship and amazing sense of humor. We've been through a lot and I'm grateful that it's only brought us closer rather than ripping us apart. I love her so.

4. Chapstick. In such a dry climate my lips always feel so parched, so I'm glad somebody a long time ago had the good sense to package some of that goodness in a tube.

5. Remote controls. How annoying would it have been to have to get up to change the channel? Ugh. Yay for laziness and fun buttons.


Girl, Dislocated said...

At least you post! I'm lucky if I post 4 or 5 times a month!

I'm laughing my butt off picturing you holding the quad with your legs! (I promise I waited until I read that you weren't hurt before I started laughing!)

I've heard somewhere a long time ago that if you drop your cell phone in water, you're supposed to put it in uncooked rice. I guess it's supposed to absorb the water or something. Anyway, if it works with cell phones, maybe it'll work with your iPod?

Stephanie said...

I am definitely in a blog slump too. AND Dove shampoo and conditioner? That's all I use now! I love it!

Anonymous said...

78 degrees? JEALOUS.

Also, I guess you have to reset your counter now!

Kateastrophe said...

Oh yeah! The counter! See, I suck at this lately! I'll go reset now!

Brillig said...

Hahahahahaha. Oh, dearest kate of Kateastrophes. I'm glad you were okay, and I love that Matt came running to make sure that you were fine. Awwwwwwwww, he's a keeper, that one. :-D

Canadian flake said...

glad you weren't hurt and the ipod survived the washing...

wtg on the exercise and dieting...keep up the good work!!

Jewels said...

Fun Buttons...you are hilarious. I LOVE YOU! I'm so thankful for you, too!

Unknown said...

two thins...Trader Joe's freeze Dried Stawberries and their Steel Cut oats are WONDERFUL!

Second...I will have just had my second kid and trust me...I don't bounce back like Jewels...I love ya Jewels...but most people are not blessed with your metabolism. No one cares anymore...all people should care about is what we are like now...atleast that's what I am hoping for. Can't we leave the High School pettiness in high school. It's true that it's easier said than done right? Well, Good luck!