Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Yeah, um, so I pre-wrote my Soap Opera Sunday for this week KNOWING I would be out of town and knowing I wouldn't have time to write it. I'm so clever.

I forgot to factor in the absolutely annoying fact that my mother does not have wireless internet. And I'll be damned if I'm going to move the freaking computer hutch in an attempt to plug my laptop in. So I'm trying to figure out a solution for posting my saga without a)having to do any heavy lifting and b)having to re-type the story from my laptop screen. Because I'm lazy like that.

So . . . I will figure out a way to make it happen and I promise to get it posted for you ASAP.

Don't forget to tell me if you're writing a SOS and also, don't forget to follow the rules and link back to Brillig and I so your readers can find the other great stories.

Kisses and hugs and thanks for the patience.


Brillig said...

Dearest Kate,

Jump drive.




Kateastrophe said...

Dear Brillig,

I had to go find one.

Not easy when I'm not at my own house.



Brillig said...