Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Soap Opera Sunday: The Kissing of the Sam

So, last time I left you all with the plan to seduce Sam at Rhonda's cabin . . . now it was time to execute the plan.

We went up on a Friday afternoon. The cabin was adorable. It had a small kitchen and main room downstairs and two "bedrooms" upstairs. There were six of us who made the trip and we were having a blast. We cooked dinner and laughed and talked for hours. When it got dark we all crammed on the big bed in the main room and turned on a scary movie. Naturally, at one of the scariest parts, the generator failed and we were left in the pitch dark. Us girls, of course, just started screaming and clinging to our manly men. They, of course, laughed and made fun of us. We realized we might not get power back we decided to drive to the nearby pond. WHY we decided to do that I have no idea. The guys all decided to "ditch" us girls and hide and scare us. It was very dark and we were very on edge and got very scared. And I'm sure they got what they wanted because we latched on to them and didn't let go for the rest of the night.

Luckily, when we got back to the cabin we got the generator working again and we chatted a little more and then went to bed. It worked perfectly because there was a bed downstairs, and a bed in each of the rooms upstairs. I realize that for three Mormon couples this might seem a bit scandalous, and it probably was, but we were good girls and boys AND there were six people crammed in the tiny cabin. Not much was going to be able to happen without getting busted by someone else.

Now is where I should probably tell you that during this summer I was on Accutane, a very strong medication to rid me of my acne. It's side effects are pretty nasty but the worst one is just total and complete dryness. Dry skin, horribly dry, chapped lips and the worst of all, a really dry nose. This particular weekend I seemed to be double cursed and while suffering from all the dryness, I was also somehow suffering from a horribly stuffed up nose. About the time we were heading up to the cabin, I realized I was going to be a bit of a snotty mess. I was so mad. Sam seemed like one of those guys who was immaculately clean and tidy, and the last thing I wanted was to be a snotty mess for our weekend. But alas, I was. I had to blow my nose probably every five or ten minutes.

So, Sam, my giant box of Kleenex and I headed up to bed. We crawled in and just started talking and laughing at the funny day we had, interrupted often by my blowing my nose. We sat there talking for probably an hour and a half. HELLO PEOPLE! What guy has a cute girl IN BED WITH HIM and just TALKS for that long?!?!? I was starting to get really confused when FINALLY he cuddled up next to me, gently pulled my face towards his, and kissed me. It was wonderful . . . except for the fact that when he did, I realized I COULDN'T BREATHE because my nose was all plugged up. Thus began one of the funniest nights of my life. Kiss for a minute, realize I'm not breathing, blow my nose, start the process all over again. I must have used an entire box of Kleenex AND an entire roll of toilet paper. And remember the dryness factor? My nose was SO SORE. Needless to say it was a great night, but not exactly what I had pictured . . . and as I think back now, sadly, that night was probably the beginning of the long, drawn out, painful end.

But there is SO MUCH more to tell. This SOS might end up taking me like two months!! Stay tuned next week for my MOST EMBARRASSING KISSING STORY EVER.

OK now for the most fun part! The other SOS participants!! Just enter the link to your SOS entry in the Mr. Linky and then make sure and read other's soapy tales!! Also, make sure to link back to both Brillig and myself so that others can see all the stories!!


Madam Crunchypants said...

I cannot wait to hear more about the most embarrassing kissing story ever!! Dang the next 7 days!!!

(I'm linked!)

soccer mom in denial said...

I'm smelling a bloody nose coming on....

You are too much fun.

Dedee said...

So fun. Can't wait for next week!

Brillig said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! My favorite Kateastrophe is coming soon! I can't wait! Woohooo!!!!

(Loved this--and you HEATHEN you, snuggled in the same bed as a boy!)

Jen said...

Well, I've got my SOS up - it's a Bar Mitzvah extravaganza. I'm going to read all the fun tales tomorrow! Can't wait!

Brillig said...

And WHEW! Mine is finally up. Sorry it took so long today. "What's up with TODAY, today?"

Anonymous said...

LOL! Can't wait to hear more!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

The end? What? You mean Sam doesn't become Mr. Katetastrophe? I'm woefully disappointed. Woefully.

HaLaine said...

OH MY GOSH. Is this the story I'm thinking of??? I didn't know the whole thing holy cow!!!

Kate said...

OOOHHHH . . . Loving this . . . can't wait for next week's installment! :)

Nell said...

Oh you poor thing! I have seasonal allergies (I'm allergic to at least three our of four seasons) so I con totally relate.

Unknown said...

I would have thought that night would have been the most embarassing kiss! I'm hooked!

Jewels said...

Oh man - I forgot about the cabin! Hahaha, that weekend was so rad. Can't wait to hear the rest!

anno said...

oh dear. quite the story. Thanks for letting us enjoy it along with you...

Jen said...

Oh, poor you! All that waiting and then... gosh, Kate, that must have been an interesting night. I'm really excited to read the next installment!

Virtualsprite said...

I hate it when I can't breath when I'm kissing someone... especially someone I've waited for so long to kiss! I can't imagine your pain.

Loving this story, though! Can't wait for next week!

Maude Lynn said...

I'm guessing a bloody nose, too!

Secret Agent Mama said...

Can't wait to read more.. Mine wasn't a "To Be Continued" but it's up.

Fourier Analyst said...

You mean worse than this? Oh my darlin' you did lead a dramatic life1 YAY S.O.S.! Can't wait 'til next week!