Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Blah de Blah de Blah

First off, let me start my blog post the way I normally do . . . with an apology. Haha.

I apologize that I don't have pictures for this post. In fact the post is almost pointless without pictures, but I had to post about it before I ran out of time. So . . . yeah.

So, this week we started moving stuff in to the new house. Correction: We started moving stuff into the garage and kitchen and that's all. We have been taking over a trailer and two car loads of stuff every day and the third car bay of the garage is practically full of boxes. However, we have not moved over ANY furniture. So, recap. I have an empty house and a full garage. Per-fect.

Ooh ooh ooh but I DID (with the help of my amazing friend Rhonda) organize the entire kitchen. I am delighted to announce that I have WAY too many cabinets and drawers. I am a person of MANY, MANY kitchen things. The kitchen at the old house was bursting at the seams with stuff. I had about eight cupboards and four drawers. I now have four drawers and six cupboards on my ISLAND ALONE. I am full of bliss and excitement at the thought of a shopping trip to Williams Sonoma (someday when we have money again) to fill the cupboards with fun kitchen gadgets, serving platters and the like. Excellent.

We were also able to finally pick paint colors, thanks to a model decorated with exactly our color of carpet, tile, cabinets and counter tops, and as of Saturday afternoon, the living/dining room, nook, main hallway and kitchen are now painted. They messed up and put the wrong color on one wall in the kitchen, so I'll be working on fixing that this week, but it's not a huge deal. The house looks AMAZING. The colors are perfect. Now I just have to save up some more money to have the rest of the house painted. See, now I never want to paint again. I let the painters in at 7 AM and arrived at 2 PM to a finished product. Could it get ANY better?

The house selling negotiations are . . . well, going. This market sucks. S-U-C-K-S. I truly feel lucky to sell our house in this city. I went garage sale hopping on Saturday morning and I swear every other house on every street was for sale. There aren't a lot of people selling their houses and we've been able to sell ours. But I won't lie, we've been HATING it. We have been asked to do some repairs to the house that just seem utterly ridiculous, but in this market, we can't fight too much about it. We just have to suck up and do it. Luckily, our Realtor has really come through for us and he's handling all the repairs so I'm going to get a lollipop and stand by watching him spend our money. Who needs money right? I'll just work Matt a little harder. Hehee.

Speaking of Matt, have I mentioned that I have the most amazing husband? The man works all day, then comes home and works some more and he still manages to pack, organize and move a load a day and help calm my craziness to boot. We're both under a lot of pressure and it's obvious who deals with it better. (Hint: it's not me.)

And while I'm talking about amazing people, my crazy Mom ran ANOTHER marathon this weekend. Naturally, I can't get her to call me and tell me how she did, but I'm sure she did great. I think this is like the sixth marathon this year? I told you. CRAZY. Love her but she's CRAZY. And skinny. Damn I wish I was that skinny. Without having to run a marathon . . . or six.

OK, thus ends the craziness of this random, stupid post. I promise pictures of the new house soon and keep you updated on moving progress.

Merry kisses to all and to all a goodnight.


HaLaine said...

DUDE! I wanty pictureS!!! I'm so glad you will have a pretty new house with no leaking air and no broken back door and no termites. And pretty paint. And hopefully you never have to think about your old house again!!

Virtualsprite said...

Can't wait to see pictures of the new house!

Selling a house does suck, even in a good market. I had to do all that crappy stuff in a good market, I can't even imagine the hell you're having in a bad market. My sympathies, truly.

Canadian flake said...

cool I TOTALLY can't wait to see pics of the new colours...and wtg on selling the house. Congrats again.

Momo Fali said...

I hear you about the housing market. We own a mortgage company...OUCH.

Butrfly Garden said...

My mom loves painting. She's totally whacked in the head. I dread it. The people before us didn't leave us any touch-up paint, either, so the next time we paint, it's gonna be a whole-she-bang thing. Blech. Maybe I'll *let* my mom come do it.

I want to see pictures, too!

And I'm absurdly jealous of your kitchen space. I'm trying to decide if it would be rude to start storing kitchen appliances in my kids' closets.

Goofball said...

We want pictures soon! (don't want to stress you in any way....but just so you know: we want pictures ) ;).

DG said...

I'm assuming your mom didn't run the Chicago marathon, right? Because then I'd be worried about her! I can't wait to see pics!

Kateastrophe said...

Oh crap! I should have mentioned that my Mom did NOT run the Chicago Marathon! It was the St. George, Utah Marathon. Ha! It didn't even occur to me that I would need to specify!

Brillig said...

Your kitchen sounds divinely dreamy. I'm seriously drooling. The kitchen in our old house felt small.... and then I moved to my mom's house and now have MicroKitchen. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! Guess what! A family of six needs a big kitchen!!!

Matt sounds like an absolute angel--I mean that in a very manly sense, of course.

I need to hire painters next time...


Love you! Good luck with the rest of the big fat move!

Brillig said...

And because you're whining,

Brillig said...

I thought I would reward you,

Brillig said...

And tell you how absolutely hilarious you are (which I mean sincerely)

Brillig said...

And tell you that I want pictures. HAHA

Anonymous said...

I'm anxious to see pictures, too! And if you unearth the secret of how to get skinny without running, or preferably doing anything that involves exercise of any kind, let me know. I'm totally in. :)

Julie Pippert said...

The new house sounds great and the sold house, even with repairs, is always good news.

GL settling in!

Using My Words

Avery Gray said...

I HATE moving, but I love new places! We've been in our house for about seven years now, and I'm getting the itch. It's not gonna happen, so I'll live vicariously through delightfully delighted individuals like yourself, who get to pick out paint colors and dream of trips to Williams and Sonoma. Well, I guess I can dream of that, too, only I don't have the extra space you have. Lucky!


Fourier Analyst said...

Sorry you are not playing SOS this week but totally understand and cannot wait to hear about the adventures you get up to with the move!!

Happy New House!!