Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Ahhhh Keith

Ahh readers, let me apologize in advance if this story is a wee bit . . . badly written? Nonsensical? Retarded?

See, I've been up since like 6 AM and have been moving all.day.long. I'm exhausted, so bear with me.


Last week, I left off after my bloody nose put a bit of a damper on my make out "sesh." Needless to say I was very embarrassed, and very worried that Sam would dump me because of it. He just seemed like that type of guy, you know? He had dumped a girl for putting her feet on his pillow, so a bloody nose all over him didn't seem encouraging.

Oddly enough, I was wrong and he wanted to see me the next day, and every day after that (for a while at least.). We were preparing ourselves for a lengthy separation. I was headed off to Pennsylvania then Ohio to see my Dad and attend a cousin's wedding in Columbus and Sam was headed to Lake Powell for a family vacation. We were going to be apart for about ten days, if I remember correctly. We said our goodbyes, said we'd talk on the phone if and when we were able and went off on our trips.

My trip back east turned out a LOT differently than I was expecting. Well, mostly my trip to Ohio. My family is . . . how do I explain them. Oh yeah. IRISH. CATHOLIC. Read: lots of loud, hilarious, drunken fun. My Dad is the youngest of seven kids and I have tons of awesome cousins. And we all (aunts, uncles, cousins and even spouses) pretty much share six names. Patrick, Robert (Bob), Paul, Kate, Sean and Kathy. So, needless to say, a wedding in the family causes more craziness and parties than normal. This trip was no exception. We were having a blast. Then, the cousins my age invited my siblings and I (all four of us) to a party. Now, we had all grown up in Utah and weren't exactly used to normal, teenage/college student parties, and this was a normal teenage/college student party. That meant underage boozing. Lots of it.

(I should clarify that I have two brothers who are not active members of the LDS church and who drink on a regular basis. I pass no judgement on them, as I strongly believe each individual needs to choose religion and personal rules for themselves, but I didn't want any of you to be surprised as I tell the next part of my story.)

This was the first party like this that I had ever been to. I was totally fascinated by what was going on around me. I think drunk people are hilarious and I was observing everyone. And then I observed Keith. HELLO KEITH. He was GOR-GEOUS. Like, Channing Tatum gorgeous. SO gorgeous that my sister Meagan and my cousin Kate also had their eyes on him. This was the first time that my sister, who is four years younger than me, and I had ever had our eyes on the same guy. And it was strange to me that my cousin (also four years my junior) and I seemed to share the same taste. But I took it as a challenge and was determined that I would hook Keith by the end of the night. Oddly, Sam didn't even cross my mind.

It didn't take long for me to get my way. Honestly, to this day I'm still surprised. Keith was WAY out of my league. AND, he wasn't even drunk. I'd been watching . . . he'd had one beer the whole night. But, by some random luck, he had also singled me out. Within about fifteen minutes we were chatting comfortably and I was getting the evil eye from my sister and cousin, who finally gave up and went home, very very mad at me for stealing him, but I didn't care one bit.

We spent the entire evening together and, I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but soon we were making out. In the middle of the party. In front of everyone. Including my huge 6'2 and 6'3 overly defensive brothers. But pretty much everyone was WASTED, including my brothers. They were very confused about what was going on. They all kept noticing what I was doing and trying to tell someone who could beat Keith up, but they couldn't say his name or even my name right. Keith and I kept laughing about it, especially because we were sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room making out right in front of my "mean" brother and he just kept staring. Obviously, it wasn't like an . . . intense, involved make-out, but we were alternating talking and making out for about three hours.

To be perfectly honest, Keith was actually a really amazing guy. He had played football in high school (still had the gorgeous body to prove it) in the Columbus area and then his parents had divorced and he now lived in the Sacramento area with his mother and was just visiting with his Dad. He was investigating different religions, trying to figure out what he believed and at the moment, his focus was on Buddhism. He was smart and hot and funny and hot and interesting and did I mention HOT?

Finally, I HAD to get back to my aunt's house. I was the designated driver and my brothers and cousin were practically passed out. Keith was headed back to Sacramento soon after I was headed back to Utah and he told me he was going to try to come visit me. At that moment I remember Sam, but I thought "Yeah right. We met at a booze party and you live in Northern California. Suuuuure you're going to come visit me" We kissed good-bye, again in front of my glowering brothers, and headed our separate ways.

A few days later I was back in Utah and back in Sam's arms, happy as can be, Keith all but forgotten.

So, I was very, very surprised and flattered and . . . worried . . . when Keith called the DAY he arrived home in Sacramento and said he wanted to see me that weekend and that he was taking a GREYHOUND BUS to make it happen.

Oh. Crap.

Next week we're going to learn exactly how bad Kate is at juggling two guys and just maybe learn what the fatal flaw was that caused Sam to run for the hills. If Kate can fit that much information into one post.

Ok kids, hopefully most of you know the next part!

Those of you participating in Soap Opera Sunday, please leave your permalink in the Mr. Linky as well as a comment. Then, make sure to link to both Brillig and myself in your post so that all your readers have the option of finding all the great stories from all the SOS participants!


Kate said...

Hmmm . . . this sounds very Soapy! Can't wait for next week! :)

Brillig said...

HAHAHAHA. Oh my gosh, this is fantastic stuff. Poor Keith. Poor Sam. Poor Kate. I can't wait for your fatal flaw--I still say you HAVE no flaws!

Dedee said...

Oh, the fatal flaws. Next week is going to be great!

Anonymous said...

So sorry for laughing but this is a funny mess you've gotten yourself into.

Abish said...

Juggling two men. That's what mine's about, too! Like Brillig said: poor everyone!

Madam Crunchypants said...

Boy juggling!!! Excellent. I can't wait till next week!

Rhonda Can't Help You said...

DUDE- I thought he took the bus from Ohio. Why? I remember my own little version of the story, and I"M sure it's totally wrong, but still very funny.

Jen said...

The last part of my Bar Mitzvah story is up... I'll be back to read in a short while!

Goofball said...

oh oooooh, trouble is ahead!

Jen said...

Oh, Kate this was hysterical! I love the bit with your brothers. Some time I'll have to write up when my neighborhood "gang" (very loosely termed) wanted to beat up my best male friend because they thought I was canoodling behind my b'friend's back. They were fit to be tied. Can't wait to see the juggle/struggle next week!

Fourier Analyst said...

Can't wait for the big blow-up, and we know it is coming because we know your blog name!! Great SOS!!

Kellyology said...

I can totally imagine that wedding and the drunk brothers. Great SOS. Looking forward to next week.

Secret Agent Mama said...

OH SNAP!!! I can't wait to see how this unfolds. FWIW, I thought it was writen perfectly!

Annette Lyon said...

I can already hear the KABOOOM coming . . .

Virtualsprite said...

Oh, this is fun! I can't wait for the next installment!

Canadian flake said...

oh my oh my oh my!! I am hopping around with excitement to hear what happened next.Can't wait til next week!!!

Butrfly Garden said...

Oh, wow. Who would have thought he was serious? Not me! haha! Been in a similar situation before...luckily the "out of town" boy never came to visit like he said he would (not that we ever really expected that to happen!)

Nell said...

Sorry I'm late. Oh you bad, bad girl! This is so great, I can't wait for next week! (Lucky for being this late means I don't have to wait so long this time. Ha!)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm so far behind from my trip - thanks for reminding me to get my butt over here!

Can't wait for the next installment!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! Love this story. I have to tell you, I've been writing on my own a similar series called "Hore Stories" (cuz, I'm the blog HORE). I'm not very regular though - I haven't written one in a while. I also have to tell you that my old blog was called KatHastrope. How funny is that!!??