Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Delurk Oh Though Lurkers

Ok so somehow I missed the boat and didn't hear that this was delurking week. I don't know where I've been, really. Mostly being lazy I suppose. Mmmm I like being lazy.

SO, all ye who read and don't comment (and ye who read and DO comment!) I want you to say hello and answer me this:

What is the one song that you will forever stop and listen to whenever you hear it? (If you have more than one, please share!) Mine are "Needs" by Collective Soul and "Only You" by Yaz. Oh and "Pump Up the Volume" which I believe but can't guarantee is by M/A/R/R/S and I may or may not be embarrassed by.

According to my analytics, I know there are lots of you who never say hi so please do today! I heart my readers and I'd love to get to know you!!!

Have a thuper duper weekend!


Anonymous said...

I, for one, am definitely not a lurker and don't really understand the inclincation. Like, the other day? I got over 900 hits? And 30 something comments. Like who are these (doing quick math in my head) 870ish other people? Say hi, for crying out loud! Ahem.

The song I can't seem to get enough of and will always listen to (and watch on youtube) is "Fidelity" by Regina Spektor. Even if I think I've played it to death (which I have), I still listen to it. And love it.

Happy weekend my sweet!

Anonymous said...

I'm a semi-lurker, but mostly because I'm lucky to have time to lurk at all- let alone comment!

My song is and will forever be "As I lay Me Down" by Sophie B. Hawkins.
Ahhh, the memories . . .

Anonymous said...

lovesong- cure or 311.
heart of the matter- don henley
open arms- journey
goodnight, sweet angel- bill joel
not the only one- bonnie raitt
nick of time- bonnie raitt

Oh, dear, now you've got me wanting to create a playlist/soundtrack for my life. *shakes fist*

:) I love your blog. :)

HaLaine said...

Hiiiiiiiiiii Kate! Um...mostly...some good 80's butt rock or something. Can't think of anything off the top of my head.

Anonymous said...

I'm such a ridiculous broadway freak that I belt out every song I hear :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's me again. I think that I left a comment on a post of yours, whether it was on Molly's site or this one here. Guess you could call me what sheila said: a semi-lurker.

Anyway, thought it was awesome that you like "Only You" by Yaz as one of your "stop and listen songs," as it is mine, and I just wrote about it in my most recent post this morning/afternoon. Lovely song.

Also, Violin Concertos by Beethoven (I know most of them), D'yer Ma'ker by Zeppelin and Rose of my Heart by Cash. I'm sure there are a few more, but I can't remember them all right now.

janaya said...

hieeeee!! :)

so is delurker week an official blogger holiday or something? like, should i be having a party?

Rhonda Can't Help You said...

I'm not a lurker, but today I'm lurking in your conference room.

I just read that and realized it sounds scary. My bad.

Walking on Sunshine- I can never NOT like it.

B2G said...

I just started reading you recently. So, hi! My songs are... hmmm.... this is hard. I'd have to say "Wonderwall" by Oasis and "Sexy Back" by JT. I like to mix it up.

teachergirl said...

too many of those really...but here are a few:

the right nows:
Dance Floor Anthem by Good Charlotte
Stronger by Kanye
Sway by The Perishers
Landed by Ben Folds

the forevers:
When You Say Nothing at All by Alison Krauss and Union Station
Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard
Crazy for You by Madonna
Piano Man by Billy Joel

And I lurk...because normally I don't think I have ANYTHING to say. :)

Ashley said...

I just found you through Molly the other day, and can i say that i love that you have a countdown since your last kateastrophy?

And I don't understand lurking. I had over 100 people look at the delurking post ALONE yesterday. And over 300 people just visit my blog. 25 commets. I mean really. Why look and not comment, especially on a delurking comment? hehe

The song that I absolutely love and can't get enough of has to be....She Talks to Angels by the Black Crowes. Love love love that song.

Happy weekend!

Stephanie said...

Hello hello! Don't Stop Believing (Journey), You Make My Dreams Come True (Hall & Oates), Keeping the Faith (Billy Joel).

Good question!

Katelin said...

I just found your blog when you guest posted for Molly, I am loving it so far! So hi!

And as for songs...

"Fill Me In" - Craig David
and "I Swear" - All For One, Love them!

Happy weekend! :)

Sandra said...

Hi, I came here from 'TwasBrilling.com
and can't not comment on a Delurking post.

As for what are my must stop and listen to songs, I would have to say right off the top of my head
Shoot, my mind just went blank! Hate when that happens, you know. I guess any song that I used to perform too, you know there is that whole muscle memory thing that I have to fight the urge to dance!

Emily said...

i'd have to say... hands by jewel. :)

Clink said...

Hi! I'm going to be sappy and say "Green Eyes" by Coldplay because it's our wedding song.

Though, really, it's probably closer to, oh, anything by the Beatles.

Have an amazing weekend.

Jan said...

I've been reading you for awhile now and always leave a comment. I love your blog ! How do ytou know how many have visited your site? Where do I get that? I'd like one for my site too.

I must really be old. I didn't recognize half those song titles.... LOL I love the Elvis song Can't stop falling in Love, and Canon in D. (((HUGS)))

*katie said...

Okay, I lurk. I agree with what Carrie said, I don't think I ever have anything interesting to add to a post. But I love reading your blog, you always keep me entertained:)

One of my current favorite songs I can listen to over and over to is "Everything" by Michael Buble. And also "Fearless Heart" by Nancy Hanson and Peter Breinholt. I don't think many people know that song, but I LOVE it!

Anonymous said...


My song? Well... um... "Underneath your clothes" by Shakira. Or "Everytime we touch" by Cascada. (I have NEVER been accused of having good taste in music)

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

Just found your blog! So, I'm introducing myself.

Ok. The one song, I will always listen to and that always moves me, no doubt- without fail.

"I have nothing" Whitney Houston. I know thats the cheesiset damn thing to say, but it's true. I LOVE THAT SONG. IT'S EPIC.

Wholly Burble said...

No lurking or shirker I--and song, whew, I have so many songs that make me stop everything to listen and sing along.

Hum, it seems too many for my mind to even think of one or two, without thinking of so many more I'd be leaving out. Stop by my house sometime, and if I'm doing housework, I'm usually singing something. If I'm driving, I'm probably singing.

Anonymous said...

I lurk and stalk you Kate. But you know this! My ONE song that makesme stop me in my tracks? It's ONE, from U2. I stop dead in my tracks every time I hear that song and remember every time that song made me cry, made my heart hurt and made me think about love. It makes me think about those nights when you're so mad at each other, lying next to each other, and "when it's one need in the night, it's one love, we get to share it, it leaves you baby, if you don't care for it." Ok, I'm gonna go cry now. Thanks!

Brillig said...

Oh, there are far too many. But I had to chortle a bit as I thought of your two songs, as they've passed between us on many mix tapes/CD's. Hahahahaha.

And check you out with all your delurkers! Good crap, woman!

Love you...

Canadian flake said...

I have to admit that there are times when I have to visit 2 or 3 times before I actually get around to commenting...ya know how it is when you are reading a post and half way through, a teenager decides to burn the house down or the vacuum cleaner eats the cat...lmao.

Take heart that I always come back...you are worth more than one visit anyway!!!

Canadian flake said...

oops I do have a question...how do you check to see how many hits your blog has?? is it hard???

Kristen said...

okay okay. I lurk.

geez. i'm sorry. :)

Kristen said...

oh whoops. a song. um... if I hear Cotton Eye Joe I have no choice but to dance.

Gretchen Alice said...

My song would definitely have to be...Drops of Jupiter by Train.
I don't know how much of a lurker I am, but I still thought I'd throw in my two cents.
I'll also second "Only you." Have you heard the Joshua Radin/Imogen Heap remix of that song? AWESOME.

Butrfly Garden said...

I'm mostly a lurker, I guess. It's because I read NOW - which is exactly 5:36 AM (Crap! Time's up, I have to go wake the kids!). And my brain doesn't normally function well enough to leave comments this early. And also...lately...even if I go to leave comments (anywhere, not just here), I end up deleting them because I feel my comment did nothing for the ongoing conversation.

That said, I can't think of a song right now.

Fourier Analyst said...

Catching up so I'm a bit late, but would never consider just lurking on your site my Darlin'!

Okay, stop what you're doing tunes...

"Rock DJ" by Robbie Williams is a dtop and dance tune. Never heard of him? It's a Europe thing. He doesn't want to be a US pop star so he can live in California in peace for part of the year. Go figure. Here's a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6k7huY7FQ6k

"Caruso" sung by Josh Grobin will make me stop and cry, not matter what. And it is not only in Italian, which I speak only a little of, but is in a dialect that most Italians don't understand. So I can't even tell you what the words mean. But I know a bit of the background story. And even if I didn't, it would still make me cry. Okay, so now I am officially weird.

"Sailin'" by Christopher Cross takes me to my mellow place. Oldie but goodie. Works every time.

That's just a few. Now look at you Miss Popularity. you're gonna run outta space with all your commenters!