Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Party Blocked

Want to know what upsets me a little?

The fact that, since I chose to register as an Independent, rather than affiliate myself with a political party I don't always agree with (that's both sides, for the record), I am not allowed to vote today in the state of Arizona. And I'm irritated.

I realize it's a Primaries and that we're deciding just the delegates from the two political parties, but I truly feel that everyone should be able to have a say in this election as well, since the results WILL affect me, my family and friends in the very near future. I WANT TO VOTE TODAY DANGIT!

I love the right to vote. I love the fact that there is a chance my vote will affect the outcome of our government.

One of the delegates is from Arizona. Most likely, he will win here, which is frustrating to me because MY vote wouldn't have been for him. Today, my vote just might have mattered a lot. And I can't go vote. Grrrr.

That being said, everyone who CAN vote today, GO! Let your voice be heard!


Canadian flake said...

wowzers...the American election process continues to confuse me..

Guess that is what I get for being a Canadian ehhhh?? LOL.

Goofball said...

As a Belgian I wish I could influence the American elections as well...but we are all sitting here and watching the news.

But then I'd have to understand this complicated election system as well. it's very confusing!

Kateastrophe said...

Yeah I don't get it either :D I just follow the rules and try to vote whenever I can!

Brillig said...

I hear ya sister. Brian doesn't tie himself to either side either, which means he's sitting on the sidelines today too (Utah has the same crappy issues as Arizona, doncha know). And he's the most informed, politically obsessed person I know. There's no one in this country who deserves to vote as much as he does. To say that the boy has done his research is a total understatement. Anyway, he's out. And it's stupid. So, I'm sorry. :-D

Emily said...

now I know we were separated at birth because I am in the exact same situation. I don't like either side enough to claim them yet I did say I was republican so that I can vote for someone, though I still call myself an independent.

I feel ya, sistah

Anonymous said...

WTF! The exact same thing happened to stupid me in California. When it came time to get my CA drivers' license last year, I didn't really want to choose sides (though I admit, I lean Republican) and registered independent. I regret it now. I'd rather put up with a little more junk mail to throw away than not get to vote in the primary. But that's what happened. I've been on every political website worth it's salt for months sucking this stuff in, and then, a few days ago I found out the devastating news. The Republicans have disenfranchised me! Or my ignorance of the rules has (Emily was smart)...I'd rather blame the GOP, especially since they seem to be electing a tool (and I do mean that in the weiner sense) to represent them.

Anonymous said...

That's why I enjoy the NH primaries. Independents who show up that day can vote in either primary.

The Bastian's said...

THAT HAPPENED TO ME! So I filled out a form to become Republican for this vote. What I thought was weird is they said you don't have to sign anything if your voting democratic, but if you are independant and going to vote Republican, you HAVE to register as a republican to vote.
After this election, I wasn't too ashamed to be republican, but I am going to have to make sure to go back to independent. Sorry you couldn't vote!

Fourier Analyst said...

I sympathize. Being overseas we don't get in on any of the caucus action. And it is kinda irritating to have the Average Joe Schmoe be the one who gets to limit my choices. It sucks. I know just how you feel!!