Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Soap Opera Sunday!

Hola. Welcome back to Soap Opera Sunday. Brilly-pooh and I decided it was my turn to host this week and I'm SUPER excited?? My story won't be up for a little while but I wanted to make sure you guys could start entering your names in the Mr. Linky for your stories!

I have quite a few new readers (HI! Love you guys!) so if you're confused and wonder what the crap Soap Opera Sunday is, go here to find the details and the rules! The more the merrier! We love hearing all your soapy tales! Make sure to leave a comment after your link and go read the stories! They are always SO great!

We also have an anonymous blog for Soap Opera Sunday just in case you want to share a story that you're not as comfortable sharing on your own blog!

While I work on writing the NEXT part of my saga, you can catch up on the drama
aaaand here

All caught up? Good. Now you have to wait for the next part, but not much longer!!!


Brillig said...

Breathlessly awaiting your post...

Canadian flake said...

will be back for the post and with my link when I put the story up tomorrow...

looking forward to it.

Shellie said...

SO anxious to read your post.

Jan said...

ok, where is it? gimme, gimme, gimme........

Anonymous said...

I'm new here, but this Soap Opera Sunday seems pretty cool! I'm looking forward to your post.

Virtualsprite said...

Yay! I got mine done! I finally made it to the Soap Opera Sunday party!

Glad you're hosting again, me dearest, and can't wait to read the rest of your saga!!!

HaLaine said...

Darn you...still waiting.

Fourier Analyst said...

wait a min, just cuz your hosting does not mean you get out of writing!!! Can't wait! Need closure! Dying of curiosity here you know....

Wholly Burble said...

Glad I know the next part of the SOS, or I'd be very concerned about waiting LOL.