Ta-Daa! Sticky!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Soap Opera Sunday: How to Lose a Dress Size in Ten Days (or less)

Welcome back to Soap Opera Sunday! Thanks to Shellie of Little But Loud for hosting this week! We love, love , love you guys for hosting for us! For the details and rules of SOS, check out this post!

Now, my story has been going for quite a while now, so if you need to catch up (prepare yourselves) you need to go
then finally here for the whole story.

PHEW. All caught up? Ok let's continue . . .

Pretty much the rest of the trip to New York sucked for me. I won't go into the gory details, but as you can tell, Richard spent a lot of time on the phone, presumably with SHE who shall not be named (at this moment at least!), a lot more time watching sports and ignoring me. I spent a lot of time trying not to cry as I lost the boy I thought was my future.

On the plane ride home we talked and I tried to calmly beg him to give me another chance. He was having none of it. It was too fast (UM who's fault was THAT?), it was too much, he wasn't ready, blah blah blah.

His family was at the airport to pick him up when we landed. We waved good-bye and I hopped in the car with Rhonda and her boyfriend (who had picked us up) and held in my tears until I walked in the door of my house.

Then the gates of hell were opened. Right in our front entry, I dropped my suitcase, fell into a massive heap on the floor and started to sob. I had never in my life, despite being dumped more times than I care to count, felt this kind of emptiness and despair. I felt hollow and broken. I cried and cried and cried until I couldn't speak and there were no more tears. I fell asleep sobbing and woke up every hour through the night and began sobbing again.

I couldn't get out of bed the next morning. My Mom had to drag me from under the covers and force me into the shower. It was my first day of my final semester in college and there was no way I could miss it. My usual half and hour morning routine took me two hours. My skin was ashen, my eyes were lifeless and my hair was limp.

I went to school but I wasn't there. I went to work but I wasn't there either. I don't know where I was. I was like a robot, going from place to place with no real concept of what was going on around me.

Adrienne was furious when I told her what had happened. She too had thought Richard and I were meant to be together. She had known Richard since the beginning of high school and couldn't believe he would treat anyone the way I had been treated the last week.

My other friends, who already hated Richard, I'm sure had to bite their tongues to hold back the "told you so" and they were so wonderful. They were with me every day, trying to make sure I was eating and functioning.

Within four days all of my clothes were too big. My already skinny body began to look emaciated and hollows began to form around my once shining eyes. I was in a deep dark depression and felt like I was never going to get out.

Then, exactly one week from the day we returned from New York I got a message from Richard on my cell phone.

"Hey bud! I miss you! Where have you been and why haven't you been calling me? I still owe you a romantic birthday dinner, just the two of us. Call me back and we'll make plans. Wherever you want, whatever you want. Seriously, I miss you. Call me back."


The Gruwells said...

i loath him entirely!! and to think... this story gets WORSE! he is the devil

HaLaine said...


Brillig said...

I second Thalia's Child. I'll get started on baking my breadsticks right now.

Did I ever, possibly, mention that I hate Richard? No? Well, I was trying to keep it a secret, I guess.

.... uh, yeah...


Anonymous said...


I remember you calling me the day you got home, and I couldn't even understand what you were saying. Then, I broke every traffic law possible on my way to see you.
Sad times!


Shellie said...

DONT TAKE HIM BACK! AGH! I Agree with the breadstick idea.

Goofball said...

wow, spent my entire lunchbreak catching up with your SOS story history. I am so behind in all my favorite blogs, so I've been a bit quiet in my comments.

OK...here I am back up to date on your SOS...and I can't believe how this post ends. What a dork! Can we go and slap him for you. Aaaaaaauw, bastard....

Canadian flake said...

omgggg this guy is some kind of psycho isn't he?? I wanna hit him sooooo bad...

Holy cow I can't believe he did that...did I mention I wanna hit him?? LOL.

Fourier Analyst said...

At this point, in Texas we would say "get a rope". Seriously, it isn't even worth wasting a bullet on this dude. I hate him and his hussy girlfriend too!!